Assigning a Job to a Technician


While creating a new booking, you assign a job to a technician. It’s possible to change the assigned technician after a job has been created and scheduled.

This article shows you how to change the assigned technician using a drag and drop tool.

1 Opening Scheduler board

Change a technician’s assignment on the Scheduler board.

  1. Scroll up to the top of the page and locate the main menu bar.
  2. Click Scheduler. The scheduler board displays current jobs and assigned technicians.
Opening Scheduler board

2 Changing the technician

  1. Click the job you want to update.
  2. Drag the job to the new technician.
  3. Drop the job at the correct start time. Job details (e.g. technician, day, time) are automatically updated.
  4. The system automatically saves changes.
Changing the technician on scheduler board
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